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photograph of a man and woman sitting at a table and working together on paperwork with coffee cups, a laptop and a calculator on the table (featured image: "Mastering Payroll Compliance: A Guide for Businesses" article)
What Is Payroll Compliance? Payroll compliance refers to the legal and regulatory requirements all businesses must follow when processing payroll,...
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close-up photo of a 1099 form stacked on top of a W2 form (featured image: "1099 vs. W2: Understanding Employment Classification and Its Implications" article)
When engaging in the workforce, it’s important to understand the different types of employment classifications, particularly the distinctions between 1099...
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photo of a man in jeans and a hooded sweatshirt and a woman in sneakers and a blazer sitting in a coffee shop at barstool seating (featured image: "Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Employees: What’s the Difference, and Why Does It Matter?" article)
The ability to determine which hires fall under an exempt vs. non-exempt employee designation can have major implications for businesses....
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photo of a pen on a lined notebook with a heading that reads "To Do" (featured image: "Year End Payroll Checklist" article)
Santa’s not the only one making a list and checking it twice this tax season! As the year draws to...
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